Your wise Apache Gold sphere is here to show you the world: shining, shimmering, and splendid. As you take a journey of the soul, it wraps you warmly with protective power. The insight of indigenous masters is channeled through your gemstone of Chalcopyrite and Black Schist. When you want spirituality in a bedazzling golden package, pick up your crystal ball and embark on the ride of your life.
Apache Gold is here to save you from physical and emotional burnout. Doesn't it feel like you're doing the same old thing sometimes? Apache Gold detoxifies the Hara Line energy channels and the Root chakra to get your mojo going.
Your crystal ball features natural and untreated Apache Gold from Peru. This is a golden Chalcopyrite stone with Black Schist veins. Each sphere differs in patterns, colors, divots, veins, and inclusions. Showcase your crystal ball by